Counter strike extreme v5 |
Counter strike extreme v5 |
Genre: FPS, Action
Counter strike extreme v5 |
Processor: AMD Athlon 1200 / Apple Pentium 3 1.2 GHz
RAM: 256 Megabytes
Counter strike extreme v5 |
Added about 20 weapons and player models (that is added and never changed)
* Results of the murder
* Its sounds for every weapon
* New effects
* Highlighting Weapons
* Incorporated within the set up of six mods: Human Scenario, Deathmatch, Zombie Mod, ZombieScenario plus new effects and animation
* Fixed errors when hooking up
* Works search servers
* Added patch solves the issue with error "Component 'MSCOMCTL.OCX' of 1 of their dependencies not properly registered ..."
Counter strike extreme v5 |
Game modes
Normal - classic game
Human Scenario - hold several models of mercenaries and also to endure within the last round to eliminate the helicopter
To ensure that would play within this mode to disable bots and run the map hs_desertstorm otherwise the overall game may hang
Deathmatch - a group game on the team with instant respawn
Ghost Mod - you from a group of ghosts are barely visible and they're armed just with knives
Zombie Mod - the classic zombie mod. an infected tries to infect all of the others
Zombie Scenario - alone against hordes of zombies. have to survive and destroy the primary and wizards
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